Sunday, September 17, 2006

The UN or the EU, which is worse?

Look, I'm not trying to take sides here, but today's Sunday Times was interesting and I particularly liked this piece from Rod Liddle, "The Pope should have been aware that Islam always reacts to western allegations that it is not a peaceful religion, by mass outbreaks of vituperation, denunciation and acts of jihadic violence. That this is a paradox seems not to be even remotely recognised by many Muslims....................a spokeswoman for the Pakistani foreign ministry....."Anyone who describes Islam as a religion as intolerant, encourages violence."

I could also mention violence in the name of Christianity throughout the ages, but that's another story.


Jan continues to mend at a great pace but she still can't dig the garden. The vegetable patch needs clearing so I left it so that she can do it tomorrow. Apart from that she's doing fine.


If there's one thing I dislike as much as the United Nations it's the EU. This outfit is another joke, filled by highly paid executives who churn out rubbish. Think about this:

1 Pythagoras' Theorem has 24 words.
2 The Lords Prayer has 66 words.
3 Archimedes Principle has 67 words.
4 The Ten Commandments have 179 words.
5 The Gettysburg Address has 286 words.
6 The new European Union rule on the sale of cabbages has 26,253 words.

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