Monday, September 11, 2006

Of course I'll still respect you in the morning

Jan has to take things easy at the moment. The problem with her leg has not been as painful or debilitating as it was last time but still it is taking some time to heal. The main issue is tiredness and the effect of her medication which makes her feel tired and woozy. See, it's not just me!
Anyway the doctor said that it was healing nicely and that she may be prone to this infection at this time of the year (last time it was in July). Must take more care!


This story, about a man who was forced to marry a goat, has been around for a while but, just in case you haven't seen it. If you had made this up people would have laughed at you and run away. This is a very good example of life being much stranger than fiction.


There are problems with the software at Blogger that is preventing me uploading pictures at the moment. I'll either come up with a workaround or we'll all have to wait. Either way I'm sorry. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible and in the meantime you'll have no pretty pictures to look at whilst you read this rubbish.

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