Friday, May 12, 2006

Oh go on then, jusht one more drink

Left to right, Sue, Anne, Cilla, Helen, Jane and Celia, on receiving the news that Rob had missed his plane.


Anne told this true story over breakfast. She reminisced about her first wedding anniversary, which took place a few moons ago. To celebrate this event, she and new husband Mick had decided to celebrate at a local restaurant. They were young and naive and really splashed out. When it came to paying the bill they realised that they were five pounds short, so Anne, leaving Mick in the restaurant, went across town to her father's house in order to borrow the money. She arrived back very flustered only to find that she was still short of enough money to settle the bill because a glassy eyed Mick had run up another five pounds, drinking brandy whilst he was waiting. She left the restaurant again giving the waiter firm instruction not to feed him any more drink. Nice one Mick! My kinda man!


Still no news from the errant Rob, so the girls get down to some serious tennis without him. In the meantime the dishwasher has packed up so it's all hands to the sink for a mammoth dishwashing session. It actually stopped working last night so we had pots, dishes and glassware coming out of our ears and I forlornly hoped that I could fix it this morning. Wrong! Mr Scuderi can't come and look at it until next Tuesday so there will be lots of hand washing for somebody for the next few days.
A major international incident was avoided through my excellent diplomatic skills (like in Nazi Germany, diplomatic? - Ed.) when Jan tried to tell me how to fill the sink with hot water. I didn't realise that she had such a low opinion of me. (I'd like to meet this Jan; we could compare notes - Ed.)

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