Saturday, April 30, 2005

Too hot to handle

Lots to do today.

I take Max for his training this morning whilst Jan finishes lots of reorganising in the kitchen. We are invited for a barbecue to Nella and Andrew. We arrive at 12.30 pm. They have a great place in the heart of the countryside with 7 horses, 4 dogs and a pig. The afternoon passes in a blur of bbq food and lots of local wine. Dan, an English neighbour arrives at about 4.00 pm and stays the course. A great deal of rubbish is discussed and we work hard at helping the local economy. We arrive home at 7.00 pm. What a lovely afternoon. I wish I could remember one tenth of what was discussed!

We're getting to the time of the year when it is too hot to work in the garden after 11.00 am. Yippee! However, if there are jobs to be done then that means a very early start. Yuk. We really need to switch Max's walk from late afternoon to early morning. Jan thinks that I should do it! Hmmm, need to think about that one.

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