Sunday, April 24, 2005

Medieval markets and the last of the Popes.

Last night we had a visitation from Nicki and Graham. I say visitation because we had some very funny, irreverant, quasi religious conversations, all involved with the new ministry that I will be starting in the not too distant future. They actually just came for dinner, but the conversation went off into flights of fantasy, which were frankly hilarious (and such a serious subject too), but lots of things became clearer to me. A large amount of the evening was spent "helping the local economy".

Today, therefore, is a quiet day because of all the effort we put into "helping the local economy" last night. Jan cooks a big fry up for breakfast, which really hits the spot. It is raining and Max is not well, so we all settle down to a well earned day of rest in front of the TV. This is a pity, because it's the "Fete Medievale" in Sommieres, our favourite little market town. One weekend a year, the shopkeepers dress up in medieval costume. There are lots of shops that offer tastings of their produce, street entertainers, music, the list is endless. If you want to know more, look here. Definitely worth a visit.

Watching the news, I was really surprised to see a Pope walking unaided. It made me realise how used I had become to seeing a very frail old man, dressed in papal robes, being carried everywhere and needing assistance at every turn.

The news also mentioned that the new Pope had now moved into the previous Pope's apartment, which, as some wag pointed out, is not the first time that a German had moved quickly into Polish territory!

(That's enough about Popes - Ed).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the plug !
