Thursday, May 15, 2008


We couldn't get into 'the number one choice' restaurant tonight, so that will have to wait for another visit, but the second choice was good. Revolucionat, c Ramon y Cajal 35, 637 40 49 83, in Gracia, doesn't look much from the outside, or inside come to that, but the food's good. What was interesting for me was that Ben recommended kangaroo and, as I'd never eaten a skippy before, kangaroo it was. It was excellent, a little like beef and highly recommended. They cook it well.
Anyway, the conversation got round to unusual meat and the fact that there was an ostrich farm near where we used to live in Windsor. Jan, ever the wit came up with the quote of the day. " Ostrich, yeah, it was big at one time but then it never took off."

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