Sunday, March 05, 2006

Who cares who the winner is?

At this time of the year I spray all the fruit trees, vines and the oleander bushes with Bouille Bordelaise (copper sulphate to you and me). This acts as a good fungicide and kills 99% of all known household germs (and anybody who eats the fruit - Ed.). It's used by all the vineyards around here to help prevent mildew. If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me.
Jan has, by now, learnt not to ask me about recipes. Instead she uses her superb instincts and tries new and sometimes unusual combinations. Today was no exception because she served a Smoked Mackerel and Grapefruit salad. If she had told me about this beforehand, I'd have laughed my head off. It sounds awful but tastes delicious and she found the recipe here on the BBC food site.

To help with your cinema viewing, I am pleased to point you to this years winners of the Golden Raspberry Awards. Don't say you weren't warned.

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