Monday, March 20, 2006

I'm forever blowing bubbles

From time to time I mention Katie, a delightful person, who visits us on school holidays with her parents Glyn and Gill and her equally delightful brother Tom. Well, Katie is a fiend with a squash racquet, plays for her county Lancashire, and recently won a tournament in Ireland against an older, bigger, stronger and uglier opponent (I hope she doesn't see this - Ed.). I'm pleased to include a picture of Katie collecting her prize.


I saw this today which made me laugh. There's hope for us all yet!


With the exception of West Ham (I had the honour of signing their first ever shirt sponsorship) beating Manchester City in the FA Cup, nothing much happened today. It tried to rain most of the day so the garden was out of bounds and I spent at lot of time at the computer inputing data. It looks like I'll have to do the same again tomorrow - yippee - can't wait!

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