Friday, October 14, 2005

Wot, no wine?

I wake in the night with another idea regarding my network problem. So I start working on it again straight after breakfast. Well, I need something to take my mind off my visit to the nutritionist this afternoon. I have no luck, so I will have to bring in the troops. It's probably something simple, but then it always is.


Jan kindly accompanied me to the nutritionist this afternoon. Mostly for moral support, but mainly because, if I'm going to get bollocked about my eating behaviour, then she might as well be in on the loop. It will be easier to change with her help. It transpired that my weight hadn't changed. To some people (like me) that was a positive result, but to others, like the nutritionist, it's a failure. Bum. I get grilled (excuse the pun) for 20 minutes and finally agree to cut out booze for one month. A good friend used to give up drink during February each year. He always stuck to it religiously despite my best efforts to test him, so I will do the same. Am I really writing this? I do like the odd glass of wine so it will be a real sacrifice. As we left, the nutritionist suggested that Jan do the same, which I thought was funny, but I'm not sure how funny Jan found it.

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