Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Harrogate is such a nice town. Surrounded by 'the Stray', 200 acres of grass and trees, it oozes refined, gentile life. At first glance, there must be more BMWs per square inch than anywhere that you can think of. When I was 18 years old, and impatient to get on with my life, I couldn't wait to get out of Harrogate. When I hit 40, I started to look at it with older, wiser eyes and it became the sort of place that I could seriously think of retiring to.
The shops are great and the first port of call everytime for Jan is Lakeland, a shop full to the brim with new kitchen ideas and interesting gifts. We generally shop to find out what we need, so M&S is also on the trail followed by Boots, Superdrug et al.
One of the 'fixes' that we need when we visit the UK is a Thai meal so that's where we head for dinner. Even mum, who doesn't like spicy food, enjoyed it. Lots of retail therapy and a nice dinner. A good day!

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