Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bulls 1 - 0 Humans

What with some lovely visitors, the last few days have been hectic (hectic, the new word for drunk? - Ed) to say the least. Apologies for not posting more.

Anyway, apart from meeting up with some lovely people, we all popped over to watch a Course Camarguaise at the arene in Nimes.

This area is steeped in things 'of the bull', and as the bull lives to fight another day, I thought that it might be interesting for our vistors, not only to sit and watch a spectacle in a 2000 years old Roman arena, but to see another side to bull culture. Even though it's quite exciting it can be a bit boring after the first few bulls. That's what you might think sitting in the stands. It is however very dangerous. This link should give you an idea.

We'd decided to leave after the fourth bull, which turned out to be quite a tricky character. The razateurs were actually getting the whistle at one point because they were obviously concerned about this particular bull.

With the bull chasing a razateur, the fanfare to end the contest blared out and the razateur slipped as he launched himself out of the ring. The bull gored him three times in his thigh. We left feeling quite dazed.

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