Monday, October 02, 2006

Oh go on, just a nibble

For crying out loud, we're doing our best.


Whilst I had a bit of warning, Mr Volet Man turned up out of the blue this morning to replace the shutter that Max smashed a couple of months back (One horny dog - 13th July) and also to fit a new all singing and dancing garage door. The shutter from the study, where the dogs sleep, hasn't closed properly for all this time and from time to time the dogs see something out on the terrace and wake us up barking in the middle of the night. Last night was a good example. They woke us at 03.00 and I couldn't get back to sleep even after reading for an hour. There I am watching some strange word game with prizes at 04.00 and wondering what kind of people watch this kind of programme in the middle of the night (you for one - Ed.) The old garage door was a real mess and never shut properly and so we decided to get a new one. He had it up and running by mid afternoon and I couldn't wait to play with it. How could anyone get so excited over a garage door? Sad (yup - Ed.). I'd show you a picture but that would be really, really sad, so you'll have to imagine.


I'm into ceps at the mo especially as Jan made a mushroom (100% ceps) risotto last night and grilled some beef with a mountain of ceps on top tonight. You can imagine my delight as we were walking the dog this afternoon and we found some fungi in the woods. They looked edible but I couldn't persuade Jan to try one for me so I'll need to go back and collect some to take to the pharmacie. Pharmacies offer a service that will examine your fungi and pronounce them fit to eat, or not. A friend of mine took a bagful into a pharmacie and had them pronounced as poisonous. The cynic in me says the pharmacist took them home and had a jolly good feast.

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