Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Oh go on, let me nibble your ear

For some time now we have been wondering whether Max was gay. Actually it was me that was concerned, being a (less than raging) heterosexual. We heteros have to stick together, don't you know. Pun intended! Anyway, there are some recent signs that he considers Minnie more than just a friend. (Do we really need to know all this? - Ed.) Jan gets quite upset at the thought of a) our first born, Max, 'growing up' and b) getting his leg over with Min, her innocent young baby. As you can see she is constantly 'making up' to him, so it must be difficult for him. Bless.
In order to clean the terrace of accumulated dirt and dog hair, I have found it easiest to hoover between the joints of the paving. Apart from looking like an idiot and despite blocking the hoover pipes a couple of times it is a relatively quick and easy way to make the terrace sparkle. There you go, today's household tip.

So there I am sitting outside, in the cool, on the sparkling clean terrace when I notice that by moving a lamp, a few inches to the left, inside the house I can watch the football on the television through a window. At the moment it is often cooler outside than it is inside so watch the fut I did, sitting outside. Things went well until I realised that by sitting there, I was merely providing breakfast, lunch and dinner for all the local insects. Ah well, it felt like a good idea.

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