Wednesday, June 07, 2006

La plume de ma bloody tante

A couple of photos above that, for some reason, wouldn't upload yesterday. The first of James watching Madame deboning his fish, moments before I suggested that she bought her aioli. The second at the conclusion of the international rescue effort. It's a pity that we didn't take a photo of the car in the hole because it looked quite funny. A very relieved French lady, she who ditched the car, talking to the German in the red shirt whilst I stand behind the car completing my invoice for the recovery.


A good friend, Chris Ward, an ex Times of London journalist, author and all round good egg has had a mid-life change of direction and is now training to be a chef here in France. In Avignon to be precise. In his blog the other day he mentioned that he was undertaking his exams and one of the exams is in the English language. I dropped him a note the other day and wished him luck in the English exam. This was his reply, which I thought was very funny.

"I think the examiner was a bit overwhelmed - she just kept nodding and asking non-grammatical questions. Apparently, if they give you 20/20 they have to write a report so usually the top mark is 19/20 - so I'm going to protest if I don't get top marks. After all, 25 years earning my living as a writer, public speaking and writing books should stand me in good stead for an exam normally taken by 16 year olds."

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