Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Mutton dressed as mutton

We have both had a hacking cough for the last couple of weeks now and the same thing has happened for three years in a row. The first time in January, the second in March and this time in April. I wondered whether it was some French bug that surfaces at this time of the year and to which we had not acquired immunity. Knowing how long it went on the first time, about a month, we both went to see different doctors (I hope there's more to this story - Ed.) and what was interesting was that they both treated the problem differently. Jan's gave her antibiotics and mine gave me four different medications and thought that it might be an allergy. I wonder if we are in some secret medical study for this complaint? Who will get better first? Is one doctor curing the problem and one curing the symptoms? The answer to this and other medical matters will be published here or in the British Medical Journal (you're an idiot - Ed.).
Whilst Jan has been wearing shorts around the garden for a couple of weeks now, I've only just let my legs out into the wild. Normally I lead on the shorts front but this year the roles are reversed. It's just possible that I'm going native. When you're out and about and you see a man with shorts he screams 'tourist' at you. Locals will wear trousers up to 45C and beyond that they die so it doesn't matter. Only grockles wear shorts.


Talking about not looking the part, have you seen Paul McCartney's hair recently? I can't take my eyes off it. He dyes it a dark shade of brown which makes him look like he's wearing a rug. He and Heather were fronting a serious programme on television tonight and I just couldn't take him seriously. At the risk of offending somebody here, would you trust a man who dyes his hair? A bit of a case of mutton dressed as mutton. Having said that, if I was a squillionaire I probably wouldn't give a shit either.

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