Thursday, February 19, 2009

A mystery solved

Last week we were on our way to the walk that I mentioned here. The shortest route was a fairly desolate back road through the garrigue. As we drove along with dense scrub on both sides of the road we came across a small black Peugeot with Google written on the side and a very strange tripod assembly on its roof. I said to Jan, 'what the hell was that?' It was parked up by the side of the road and in my mind the driver was looking a tad shifty. We thought no more about it until today. All is revealed. I was reading this article about a couple who had tried to sue Google for showing their house on Google Street View. The picture that accompanied the article shows a small car that looks exactly like the car we saw.

So, let's get this right. This car was stopped in the middle of nowhere in the early afternoon, surrounded by nothing but trees and doing heaven knows what. Perhaps he was scared of exceeding the mandatory 35 hour working week.

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