Thursday, January 15, 2009

I love Italy

Wow, that was a bit of a journey. A three hour drive down to Girona, a two hour lunch at Can Xiguet Restaurant about ten minutes from the airport (we couldn't find our restaurant of choice, La Roca Petita, so stopped looking and chose this place by chance). We seem to have a knack at choosing good restos and found one that we'll definitely go back to. Over the meal we came to a montentous decision. We agreed that we prefer eating in Spanish restaurants and prefer Spanish food to French food. A bit of a problem when you live in France, not Spain. There's a simplicity to the Spanish food we've tried, which is similar to Italian, good ingredients cooked simply, with lots of taste and with no messing about.
A two hour wait at the airport then a 1.5 hour flight to the south of Italy. A ten minutes drive to our hotel Villa Immaculata, a plate of pasta and a bottle of wine and here we are at 22.50, twelve hours later. We are both so pleased to be here. The hotel was one of the few that was open in Pescara at this time of the year, so there wasn't a lot of choice, and we were the last to eat. Not that there had been many before us. The young jaunty waiter said no problem and didn't give us a menu but told us what was available. A choice from three starters and three mains. We chose carefully and with anticipation. He came back three minutes later to tell us that he was sorry but everything was off. We could have tagliatelle with either a tomato or pesto sauce. We guessed that the chef was already packing up and told the waiter to tell us to bugger off. When you're happy you see the funny side of things like this.

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