Sunday, October 21, 2007


And there I was thinking that we'd come home for a rest. Last night, we and about 38 others gathered for what turned out to be a very good meal at Chez Vero to watch the rugby. The result is history, but suffice to say the boys dun good and you felt proud of them.

This morning we had visitors coming in at 09.00 into Montpellier (on a 06.00 Ryanair flight from Stansted - what an unsociable hour) so, despite going to bed shattered, we had to get up early for the pick up. As it happens, we were on our way to the Millau Bridge for a look see and then after a good hearty lunch at Le Combalou in Lauras it was off for an escorted tour of the cheese ripening caves at Roquefort. Now Roquefort is Jan's favourite blue cheese so it was of particular interest to her but, even having got up at an unearthly hour, our visitors Claire and David enjoyed it too. I thought about a cup of tea at Jacquis cafe (it turns out she was out running anyway) but as it happens I had other things on my mind.

We got back to catch most of the exciting Grand Prix from Brasil (what a good weekend of sport - and good effort Lewis) and, after a 'light' meal of soup, quiche and salad, and fruit, went to bed a tired but happy bunny.

1 comment:

MrsJ said...

Me?! Running?! You must be kidding...I am a bit too bouncy in the upper chest area unfortunately!

Brisk walking is the best I can do, with lots of stops to let the dog catch up of course! Well that is my excuse anyway.....
