Monday, January 09, 2006

Working the system

The weather is much better today, cool with no wind, so we were able to start the tennis again. Obviously these conditions favour someone from a more northerly climate, and let's just say we finished with a 'banana' rather than a 'banane'. Kevin will be pleased that I restored national pride.


I nipped round to the Mairie this afternoon because I want to swap my UK driving license for a French one. Whilst my UK license is perfectly valid here, a French one does not have to be frequently renewed after 70 years of age, as does the UK one, and, of course, a French license is valid in the UK. We have also had some minor problems hiring a car in the UK with an English license and living in France, but I won't bore you with all the ins and outs. Michelle, the Maire's lovely, all knowing secretary, gave us the necessary forms, so now it's up to us.


Today was the start of a 'try harder' eating regime for both of us. We had minestrone and fruit for lunch with fish and vegetables for dinner. I feel thinner already!

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