Thursday, November 10, 2005

Not much left to burn

Yesterday was a bit of a non day. It poured with rain, but we can't complain because generally it has been too dry for the last few years. Apart from taking the car into Nîmes for a service, not much else happened. Assuming that you count Tony Blair being defeated in a fairly serious Commons vote as not much happening (I think he lost the argument at the point that he said that he was following the advice of the security services). And also assuming that you consider the riots in France as not much happening. Anyway, the riots appear to be slowing down. I suspect because there aren't too many cars left to torch and because the government has dusted off a 50 year old law allowing mayors to impose curfews. The curfew prevents anyone under 16 years old being on the streets unaccompanied by an adult between the hours of 22.00 and 6.00. You can imagine the conversation going like this. "Papa, there's not much on television tonight, so do you fancy coming with me for a quick beer before the bar closes and then I could torch a couple of cars on the way?"

On a more serious note, I found this article interesting.

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