'Twas a funny old day. Some rambling idiot, who mostly posts when he is pissed, has been getting up my nose recently. (More fool you - Ed) He has already been banned from other expat sites for abusive postings and he carries on in the same way here. He seems to have a huge chip on his shoulder and even takes pride in calling himself 'L'Outcast.' Reacting is of course stupid because that's exactly what he wants. He wants to get into a fight with you. He's the internet equivalent of the drunk in the pub. Look at him funny or spill his beer and he's after you. He doesn't post that often but when he does he usually lets rip and upsets some of the more genteel members of the website. (We're not including you in genteel are we? - Ed) At times I have found some of his ramblings funny, but they are all very difficult to read. He barely puts together legible sentences because I suspect that he's usually drunk when he posts. A recurring theme of his posts is the fact that he has lived in France for a long time and he sees all recent arrivals as unwelcome interlopers. Strange man.
After a morning in the garden we popped to Sommieres for lunch with a bunch of people from BritsNimes. Les Delices du Liban, our usual Saturday morning watering hole, was the scene of our Lebanese lunch. Elie pulled all the stops out and I was stuffed by the end of the starters. Not much happened for the rest of the afternoon!
To add to this mornings irritation our internet connection is still playing up. I'm convinced that there's a problem with the local exchange but no one agrees with me, yet.
After a morning in the garden we popped to Sommieres for lunch with a bunch of people from BritsNimes. Les Delices du Liban, our usual Saturday morning watering hole, was the scene of our Lebanese lunch. Elie pulled all the stops out and I was stuffed by the end of the starters. Not much happened for the rest of the afternoon!
To add to this mornings irritation our internet connection is still playing up. I'm convinced that there's a problem with the local exchange but no one agrees with me, yet.
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