Saturday, July 09, 2005

To sweat or not to sweat

Jan gets a little better every day and she can now walk short distances but she has to sit and rest after about 30 metres. No Olympics for her then! The leg still looks very angry and whatever bacteria it was, it has really attacked the flesh. Anyway she is well enough to have a go at me over some minor indiscretion so she must be getting better! As James said over lunch, "it's good to have you back in the kitchen".


With the temperature hovering at around 30C most of the time, even the smallest chores mean that we inevitably get covered in sweat.
(Do we really need to know this? - Ed.) I'm in the bakers, feeling a little dishevelled, buying bread for lunch, and it is 29C outside. Feeling hot and uncomfortable, I can't help but notice that the woman in front of me is wearing several layers and, to top it all off, a raincoat. How come she feels cold, I think, but then what does she do? She buys an ice cream. Strange.


I take James to the honey farm in Clairan, my role being chauffeur and personal bank. It's all a bit like the queen really, she gets driven everywhere and never carries money. Not much changes, even with older children!


We eat at Pousaranque tonight, between Quissac and Sauve. It's our fallback restaurant for when Le Fourneau is busy. The menu has changed quite a bit and they now offer a 19 euros and 24 euros formula. I had the 19 euro meal and very good it was too. The wine is generally all local and well priced. Highly recommended.

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