Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I need to lie down

Two major shocks within 12 hours, but happily I survived them both. First, my son James called last night at midnight. Now I don't know about you but phone calls at midnight are not usually good news. Either someone is in trouble and they need help or someone is drunk and they need a smack in the mouth. It was the former. James had been talking to my mother on the phone, they got cut off and James feared that something had happened to her. Needless to say we both tried to call her back but the call diverted straight to the BT answering service indicating that the phone was 'off the hook'. To cut a long story short we managed to get hold of her at 10.30 local this morning and explained that we had been fearing the worst. Don't you just hate it when people say, "Sorreeeee," in that whiny way, indicating that they don't really mean it?


The second shock came this morning. There I was reading this and stumbled across a description of making 'spaghetti alla carbonara' with peas. Well, I nearly fell off my perch and banged my head. What an awful mistake As any fule no the ingredients for a carbonara sauce contains only eggs, parmesan and pancetta. What's the world coming to? Get a grip woman, and you a trainer as well. Goodness knows what information you fed those poor mutts?

1 comment:

MrsJ said...

But at least the girls got their daily quota of green veg - a miracle where teenagers are concerned!