Saturday, July 28, 2007

Dress down day, everyday

The question of what to wear each day is simple. Is it the beige shorts or the red, the white t-shirt or the striped and flip flops or flop flips? After wearing a suit and tie for far too many years, shorts are now the order of the day, and I love it. Jan despairs a little and would like me to dress a little less slovenly but she is also very understanding and is getting used to the new look.


Sommieres was heaving this morning and Elie tried to cope with the bar on his own. A big mistake. We had to wait ages for our beers and there were far too many tables not drinking. I'd love to take over the waiting on tables (and even gently suggested it) because I reckon I could double his profits, even allowing for all the beer that I would drink. At the moment it's not a very pleasant experience.


Glyn and Gill very kindly invited us round for aperos this evening, then all seventeen of us headed off to Le Castelas, the relais in Montmirat. How do they do it? A tasty four course meal for 11 euros. Having said that, I'm beginning to suspect a liberal use of msg because my ears were thumping in the middle of the night. Mmnnn, might need to watch that.

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