Saturday, February 23, 2008

France v England at rugby

The Six Nations Rugby recommenced today, so I nearly had square eyes by 22.30 tonight. After watching rugby most of the afternoon, it was off to Chez Vero in Congenies to watch France v England, with a group of 37 and others, on a huge screen. The dinner was disorganised and pretty dire and has confimed to me that this is not a good place to eat. We arrived at 19.30 and my first course of so called tapas was placed in front of me at 21.00, just as the match started. I suspect that they did that so that you wouldn't look too closely at the food. I went with the Spanish theme, the 'tapas' being a a few bits of French appetisers on a plate, and then fideua which is basically paella made with macaroni. Neither of the two huge mussels on my plate were edible. One was closed, so dangerous, and the other a charred mess. It wasn't a good (20 euros) meal. When I think how good the 12 euros lunch was during the week it makes me cross.

The atmosphere however was great, and what was even better, against the odds, we beat France. There's an argument that the French should look at both their rugby and cooking skills.


Sally Townsend said...

ooh er, not an argument I'd be brave enough to start !!

Alex said...

I even ducked as I wrote it!