Tuesday, June 28, 2005

It's quiet around here

During our visit to the tax office this morning, to sort out some minor matter, we are assisted by the very lovely Mme T. How is it that all the professionals that I come across at the moment are both women and good looking? Anyway, it sure makes visiting the tax office a pleasurable experience.


It's still very hot and, unusually, somewhat humid. We are getting to the end of the month and since the fifteenth the midday temperature hasn't dropped below 30C.


Surveying the estate this evening, I notice Max eating something small and orange looking in the orchard. Yes, our beloved is eating the first of our apricots. We dash to the tree and pick all the ripe ones before Bonzo can get his paws on any more. This is quite an emotional moment for me because they are the first apricots that I have ever grown and they are one of Jan's favourite fruits. I also gather some strawberries and tomatoes, all of which are deliucious. Well, what did you expect?

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